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Occupational Health
Public Health
Indoor Air Quality
总监:励斌(Robin Lee)
电话: 021-52737529
传真: 021-51862158

No. 195th, 279 Ka Yi Road, Jiading, Shanghai
我们为您提供的检测与咨询服务如下/ The following is a list of some of our services
环境/ Environment
Including indoor and outdoor environmental purification and technical consulting servicess
环境/ Environment
Most of the successful enterprises has been accepted the philosophy of cleaner production and sustainable development. The environmental protection during the office work process and production process is the basic norms of those companies, and also the expression of their social responsibilities. Depend on our extensive practical and theoretical experiences in the field of environmental protection we provide you with the following services.

室内环境净化/ Indoor environmental purification
  纳米涂层是新一代的空气净化技术,该技术可以治疗的空气污染所造成的85%以上多种有害气体,如汽车尾气氮氧化物,甲醛,苯,挥发性有机物。在光的存在,光触媒产生羟基基团和空穴(H +),这与有机反应材料和有害气体,生成水和二氧化碳。目前在整个净化过程无需额外的污染。纳米光催化剂发生反应作为催化剂的化学反应,使得其业绩将保持长期的,它永远不会被消耗掉。更重要的是,我们有创新的VLR (可见光响应型)光触媒制造技术,其产品适用于室内使用,其中的紫外线光照射较弱。
Nano coat is a next generation of air purification technology, which can treat air pollutions caused by more than 85% kinds of harmful gases such as car exhausts NOx, formaldehyde, benzene, VOCs. At the presence of light, photocatalyst produces hydroxylradicals and holes (h+), which react with organic materials and harmful gases to produce water and carbon dioxide. There is no extra pollution in the whole purification process. The nano photocatalyst reacts as catalyst in the chemical reaction so that its performance will maintain longtime and it will never be consumed. What’s more, we have the innovative VLR (Visible Light Response) photocatalyst manufacture technology whose products are suitable for indoor use where UV light irradiation is weak.

环境影响评价 Environmental Impact Assessment
ISO 14000环境质量管理体系 ISO14000 Environmental Quality Management System
环境尽责评价 Environmental Due Diligence Assessment
环境检测服务 Testing Services
厂界噪声\城市区域环境噪声\建筑工地噪声 Noise monitoring services
生产废水\生活废水\地下水检测 Waste water monitoring services
环境空气监测 Atmospheric Monitoring services
固定污染源排放监测 Emission monitoring services
土壤、底泥及固体废弃物检测 Soil, sediment and solid waste monitoring services
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地址:上海市嘉定区嘉怡路279弄195号 电话:021-52737529 传真:021-51862158 联系人:励斌 13127930153 
Copyrigyt(c) 2014 All Rights Reserved 版权所有:上海备通建筑工程检测技术有限公司